Friday, October 25, 2013

Picture Perfect Friday

Jaycee, Me and Dan my Favorite Cousin


Molly and Jaycee

My beautiful Mama

Beautiful Aunt Glenda

Beautiful Aunt Janice

I had a great time last weekend having lunch with and visiting family that I don't get to see often enough.  These are just some of the pictures that were taken.  

Here is some of the fall beauty outside my door.

Boots, Leaves and Sunlight

Sunlight through Yellow tree

A beautiful pink/red tree

A view of the Rogue River

Have a fabulous weekend and may it be one of love, joy and peace.  

Blessing and hugs!

"Limitations only exist if you let them" Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck. © 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Hey beautiful peeps...How has your week gone so far?  Mine has been pretty great.  

I spent some fun time this weekend with my cousin who came down my way for a church revival he was preaching at.  We have never really met as adults and I was young when I was around him so I have no recollection of meeting him formally.  We have talked for years on Facebook so we know each other and have formed a friendship.  I walked around town with him and showed him some of my favorite shops, I heard him preach Sunday morning and then we had lunch and worked all in all it was great getting to know him in person.  

Last night my husband and I met our son's recruiter and got a lot of our questions answered and then some.  Jacob has decided to go into the ARMY but not as an infantryman.  He scored very high on the ASVAB placement test so he can pretty much do whatever job he wants.  They said he is pretty much at genius  He is looking into jobs and doing some research before he actually signs anything but will probably be signing up here in a few weeks so he can get started on training and such. 

He has about 8-9 months before he would actually leave for basic training but wants to get into better shape and be more prepared about what he will be dealing with.  His father and I are excited that he is so focused on doing what he needs in order to get his school financed. He wants to be a civil engineer.  He'd like to build bridges and such.  We are trying to make sure he chooses a job that has civilian applications so that when he does finish with the ARMY he can still find a job out in the civilian world.  Whatever he chooses he will succeed in, of that I have no doubt.

Now on to my workouts...

Sunday Oct. 20...
Running 41 minutes
AMT 40 minutes

Monday Oct. 21...
AMT 30 minutes

Tuesday Oct. 22...
AMT 40 minutes

I hurt my knee running Sunday so I have just been working out on the AMT hoping that will give my knee some time to heal.  I don't think it's anything major, probably a irritated muscle, tendon or ligament.  I can walk without any pain but there is a sore spot next to the knee cap, to the inside of the knee, that is sore when I push on it and it does hurt to actually run on it.  I will give it some time to heal before I try to run again.  Better to be safe than sorry.

I, for one, am enjoying the cool weather, especially in the morning when it is foggy and the air is crisp.  Sweaters and boots are my favorite fall and winter fashion go to, how about y'all?

I will leave you with a quote...

"Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted." ~Denis Waitley

Blessings and hugs!

Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.

"Limitations only exist if you let them" Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck. © 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Running and Smiling

I know I haven't blogged about running since my half marathon but it's not because I haven't been running.  I have been running and it's been good, in fact, the weather has been beautiful and even warm in the late afternoon.  It's just that I've been busy, busy, busy.  Oy Vey life has a way of getting in the way of blogging, but then that's okay with me.

Truth be told I've been on this kindness kick and it has just become an obsession...almost.  I am so focused on trying to spread kindness, in the hopes that others will pay if forward, that I forget to sit down and actually blog about running or working out.  I have a feeling y'all will forgive me.  After all this blog is about running and my life (and all that entails).   I am just so tired of all the negativity that seems to be out there, I just want to make another human smile, even if it's just for a moment.

"No act of kindness, no matter how ever wasted" -Aesop

(I Think YOU are beautiful and or handsome)

On to other news...

Running 3-4 times a week seems to be a good match for me, so that is what I have been doing.  I am also running for time instead of miles, as it feels less stressful.  I definitely need to get back to the gym for some lifting...and cross training.  How is everyone else doing? 

"Limitations only exist if you let them"

Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.

© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Although I'm not a Buddhist I certainly subscribe to their feelings of kindness, service to others and positivity.  I believe if people would focus on the positive in their lives they would, in turn, distribute that positivity into the atmosphere and I truly believe that somehow it would seep into another human soul and so on and so on.

I want to be a kind soul and when people think of me I'd like them to think fondly of me.  As I have aged I've become more and more concerned with the legacy that I am leaving.  I want to serve others in some small or great way but am often unsure how to go about that task.  When I am out and about I strive to be kind and spread that feeling outward to others with a smile or a kind word.  I'm not sure that is enough but it is something.  It just makes me wonder when I see and hear the anger in this world...why don't these people try to be grateful for what they have and then spread that contentment to others. No matter how bad things may seem in your small world, it really could be worse.

I'd like to re-post something I wrote on Facebook the other day...

"So often we are angry at someone, about something, turn that anger is shared with those around us and starts to pick at our character, little by little eating away at who we truly are, Gods ambassadors of love. Instead of living our lives in anger why not DECIDE to be positive in this negative world, even in the face of injustice, unfairness, and hate. If we are always angry how can others see the love we have in our hearts? Yes there is righteous anger but I am not speaking about that, I am speaking about the day to day, month to month, year to year anger that seeps out of us like a virus, touching and infecting the innocent people in our circles.

So please don't misinterpret what I am saying...there is a place for righteous anger...I get that. I'm talking about the anger that comes out of us when we are discussing politics over coffee, or talking about how someone has wronged us, with our best friend at lunch or even when sharing the pain someone has inflicted on us unwarranted, with a loved one at the kitchen table. These angers stack up and do make an impact on our hearts and in turn an impact on those around us. What if we just decided to be kind, love others and pay that forward indefinitely? Would we leave this world a better place than it was before we arrived here? I like to think we would. So I vote that next time something or someone makes us angry, we stop, delegate that anger to its rightful place, and move forward in love.

Anger has taken over so many peoples lives and I say it is time to take our lives back. Let us not give anger a place in our daily lives any longer but instead live with a love that pours out of our hearts and into those people who surround us daily. That is what I am striving to do. Why not join me and see what kind of an impact we can make on this world we live in!"

I wrote this in a moment of clarity.  God has been speaking to me and I have been trying to listen and ponder what it all means. I met with my new pastor and shared with him what has been on my heart in hopes that he would or could steer me in the right direction within the church family.  I am excited to see what happens next.  

I will leave you with these words...

"If you find in your heart to care for someone else, you will have succeeded." -Maya Angelou 

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one that gets burned" -Buddha 

"Limitations only exist if you let them"

Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.

© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Inspiration For Today

"You make a living by what you earn; you make a life by what you give" -Anon

Interpretation:  The value of your life has nothing to do with how much money you earn; it is determined by what you give to others.

How true this is.  So often we think that more money will make us more important, more successful, or even happier.  That is just not true.  With more money comes more stress because it seems that no matter how much money you make, it just doesn't seem to be enough to pay all the bills, let alone be enough to buy all you want to have.  So many times we think there is just not enough left over to give to the less fortunate.  Who says what we give has to cost actual money?  I want to be remembered for how giving and loving I was not for how much money I made. I want people to say that I was always kind to them, had a smile to give, and an encouraging word to say.

I've heard it said that some of the poorest people are also some of the happiest people.  They are content with what they have because it is all they really need, and yet they seem to be more than willing to love on others and give whatever they can to help someone even less fortunate than they.  There seems to be a certain niche or group of people that find their riches in giving to others generously even when they haven't much to give.  These angels are the ones who know what life is really all about, it's giving from our hearts to others.

When you give to others something happens to your heart, it seems to increase in size.  It could be just a simple smile to a sad soul, a quarter at the cash register or a cup of hot coffee to the homeless man on the street corner; it doesn't really matter how expensive the giving is, what matters is the ACT of giving. When we reach out to help others we truly do make the world a better place.

I believe that as long as I have what I need, am able to be with the people I love the most, and take the time to help others...well, the rest is just icing on the cake I like to call life.  The blessing is not in the getting but in the giving of ones self.

So go kind...give and be a blessing to someone today.
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with His everlasting favor and give you peace.

Blessings and hugs,

"Limitations only exist if you let them"

Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.

© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

I Did It...My 13.1

 Hey y'all...I'm alive and well.

I know it's been a long time since I blogged but I have been busy hustling and bustling about.  The pain I have lived with for so very long is all but gone and it has left me feeling young and active again. I've been running, cleaning, making home made makeup products and keeping up with my other daily activities; all of this with little to no pain.  Hurray! 

Okay, okay I'll get on with my 13.1 journey...

My race was on a Sunday so Saturday evening I collected and readied all my running necessities so that kept me busy...for like 15 minutes.  I wasn't really all that nervous because I knew I had trained well (except for those 4 weeks I took off at the tail end of training due to pain) and I could just believe that I had done enough.  I rested Saturday night and had a good visit with my mom and family then went to bed early to ensure a good nights rest. 

I had to wake up way to early.  It was still very dark when I arrived at the Fair Grounds to take my seat on one of the many buses lined up waiting to take us all to the start line 2 towns away. After arriving I made my way over to the port-a-potties and didn't even have to wait in line.  Then I headed over to the food and coffee table to partake of one strong cup of coffee and a banana piece.  While I was waiting for the start of the race I met some lovely young (they were all in their 20's) ladies who welcomed me into their group and chatted me up.  None of us raced together but I finished ahead of some of them. 


Honestly this was an easy and well organized race.  There were volunteers all along the way as well as tables with water, pretzels, gummy bears at miles 2,4,6 and 8.  At mile 11 there was the table of temptation with doughnut holes, beer and wine...I did take a doughnut hole but not the alcohol...I prefer O.J. and vodka.  After downing the yummy doughnut hole I felt reinvigorated and made good time to the finish line in 2:31.  My whole family was there at the finish to cheer me on as I received my finishers medal.  

To be very candid I did better than I thought I would.  I made sure to drink my Gatorade concoction along the way and eat my lara bar for energy.  I took some gummy bears from a sweet little volunteer at mile 8.  All along the way volunteers were stationed and they would cheer you on as you passed by clapping and yelling out "You can do it" as well as dancing and just having fun.  It really did make a huge difference to me because at some of those miles I was tired and needed a little encouragement to keep going.  Luckily I did not have too much pain. 

When I was finished and had some water and a muffin I realized just how much I had accomplished and it felt amazing.  My legs were hurting extremely bad due to my sciatica but after my son drove me home they felt 90% better.  My husband took the whole family out to breakfast to celebrate and I ordered hot chocolate with whipped cream to drink and fish and chips to eat.  I enjoyed every bite of my meal and didn't even care how many calories was in it.

I would definitely run another 13.1...someday, but not any time soon.  It's nice to just enjoy running and not have a race looming ahead in the distance...for now!  The last few weeks have been spent running by time, not miles and enjoying the feeling of accomplishment.  

In other news...

My oldest son G moved out yesterday to begin his new life with his girlfriend in Klamath Falls.  He arrived safely and is happy to be reunited with his love.  He has an interview for a job tomorrow and another possible job working for one of the vendors from our store here in Grants Pass.  I know that he will do great on his own, I have faith in him. 

I may have finally found my new church family and I'm excited to meet new people and form some new relationships with a home group.  This has been on my mind ever since I left my old home group about 3 years ago.  I have been to two different churches but neither one suited me.  This church I found a week before my half marathon and they made me feel welcome the minute I walked in and sat down.  I missed the Sunday of my race and last week as well but managed to get there today for the traditional service.  I was the only one under 45...everyone there had to have been at least 65-75 but I loved it.  It was like being in a room full of grandparents.  What could be better than that?

Anyhoodles, I am sorry I've neglected my blog but life has been busy for me.  Now that the kids are back in school and I'm working Monday thru Thursday fixing lunch for the high school kids that come into our small store, I have to fit my running and cleaning into the days hours and unfortunately my blog has suffered.  I hope that y'all are doing well and are healthy and happy.  

Anyone race lately and want to tell me all about it?  The Lord bless you and keep you.  The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you.  The Lord look upon you with His everlasting favor and give you peace.  

Blessings and hugs,

 "Limitations only exist if you let them"

Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.

© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.


000 steps (1) 10 (1) 5k (19) A-Z Challenge (25) Acupuncture (1) AMT (1) B is for (17) Biceps Femoris injury (3) bike (1) biking (7) bloghopping (1) BMR (1) books (1) C is for (16) cancer (13) celebration (7) celebrity runners (1) checking in (23) chia (1) Christmas season (3) coastal getaway (2) cooking (1) cross train (28) current obsessions (1) D is for (15) dancing (2) days of giving thanks (10) death (1) drink (1) E is for (14) exercise (45) expresso bikes (7) F is for (13) facebook (1) family (34) fasting (1) FF linkup (3) fires (1) fitness (26) flower (1) food (13) friday blog hop (2) friends (29) G is for (13) gardening (4) goals (3) God (13) goodbyes (2) grief (1) gym time (5) H is for (11) healthy living (21) hot weather running (13) hump day inspiration (3) I is for (9) injury (28) inspiration (4) instagram (3) J is for (10) K is for (9) kindness (3) l is for (8) letters to myself (1) link-up (1) local sugar (1) loss (1) low iodine diet (1) M is for (7) mapmyfun (1) marathon (10) marathon training (30) May Challenge (1) mothers day (5) N is for (6) negative splits (2) new year (2) numbers (1) O is for (5) overnight oats (1) overpronation (2) P is for (4) patience (1) Pear Blossom Run (8) pelvic stress fracture (28) Picture Perfect Friday (1) Pinterest (1) prayers needed (3) Q is for (3) R is for (2) race (13) racing (3) Random facts (1) recipes (2) rest (1) rest day (17) retirement (1) rowing (2) running (57) running club (2) runtastic (1) S is for (1) sciatica (3) spin class (4) sprint (4) strength train (6) Sunshine Award (1) surgery (2) swimming (1) T is for (1) thanksgiving (2) The China Study (1) time (1) tiny dictator (1) tragedy in CT (1) training (22) twitter (1) U is for (1) ultra-running (1) V is for (1) vegan (6) vlog (4) W is for (1) walk/run intervals (24) weddings (1) weight loss (5) working out (10) x y and z (1) YMCA (3)