Monday, April 29, 2013

Update On My Recovery After Surgery

First off let me start by saying, thank you so very much for putting up with me during the A-Z Challenge.  I was glad to figure out my theme early, and it seems to have worked out pretty good. Again, thanks from the bottom of my heart.

And now back to your regularly scheduled programming... 

I had surgery Friday and ended up having to go under twice in the span of 20 minutes.  Let's just say things didn't go quite as smoothly as I'd hoped.  The Denturist actually messed up my partial, in that he forgot about one tooth that was being pulled.  The partial fit pretty good so it all worked out.  He saw me Saturday and spent the next hour adding material and making it to fit my mouth much better and since he is such a great guy it really was no biggie.  I not the kind of person to let things like that get me mad, life is too short to sweat the small stuff.

I will go back to see my Denturist on the 1st to make adjustments and possibly have another impression made.  I am doing well as far as healing goes, my left lower jaw is very swollen and I look as if I have a golf ball in my's all good though.  I was able to eat noodles and shrimp last night for the first time since Friday...I had been surviving on pudding, yogurt, mashed potatoes and soup.  A person can only eat so much mush...know what I mean!  

Unfortunately I cannot exercise yet...believe me when I say, I'd rather be running then recovering from! I had visions of having surgery and running the very next day...that did not happen, in fact the only thing that comes close to exercise for me is getting out of bed to rinse my mouth and get another ice pack for my jaw...ha ha ha!  Oh well, such is life.

I want to hear all about what YOU have been doing so drop by and tell me all about it!  Blessings and may sunshine find you today.  

Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck. 

 "Limitations only exist if you let them" 

© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

X, Y and Z

Today will be my last A-Z post in this challenge as I am having surgery and will be unable to blog for a couple of days.  It is nothing big but will be big enough to put me out of blogging commission for bit.  Please forgive me if I am absent from commenting on your lovely blogs, I promise to return within a week!

X is for X-Training...or what some refer to as cross-training and it refers to a training routine that involves several different forms of exercise.  For example, instead of always running you could try biking, swimming, different machines at your gym or weight lifting even.

Y is for YMCA...The YMCA stands for Young Mens Christian Association, a welfare movement that began in London in 1844 which now has branches everywhere in the USA.  Read all about the history of the YMCA here. My family has a membership at our local YMCA and we workout there almost every day, in the summer the kids love to go swimming there as well.  I love the character of the YMCA and what they stand for.  The people who work at our local branch are the kindest most helpful people I have ever met.  They truly do love to serve and it shows.

Z is for Zottman curls...These curls, a bit like bicep curls, are named after George Zottman and involve twisting the dumbells at the top of the movement, and there seems to be several different variations.

Thank you so much for coming by and reading my A-Z Challenge posts this month, I so appreciate seeing all you regular blogging friends, meeting my new blogging friends, and finding new and interesting blogs to follow.  You have all touched my heart in so many ways and I know that I will see y'all around.  I will do my best to visit your blogs as often as is possible as well as blog more regularly myself.  Please don't be strangers, as I feel I have made some new and sweet friends along this journey of A-Z(ing).

Thank you Lee at tossingitout for creating this challenge in the first place and for all you other hosts of the 2013 Challenge as well...

Nicole @ 
Damyanti @
Alex @ 
Tina @ 
DL Hammons @
Jeremy @ 
Shannon @
Matthew @
Livia @ 
Konstanz @ 
Stephen @ 
L. Diane Wolfe @     

Blessings and hugs...may the sun be shining on your beautiful faces today and may joy be in your hearts! Til the 2014 A-Z Challenge, blog your hearts out.
Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck. 

 "Limitations only exist if you let them" 

© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.

Friday, April 26, 2013

W Is For...Warmup

Warmup is incredibly important, especially when it comes to running.  Some people start out with a 5-15 minute warmup of some kind before they take off running, others just run from the get go.  

Running is hard on your muscles and joints and getting them properly warmed up is very important if you want to lessen your risk of injury. I usually take 3-5 minutes to warm up before I take off running, sometimes more.  A warmup for me is just a fast walk.

Here are a few exercises to do to warm up your leg muscles and joints before running.

Leg swings...Stand facing the back of a chair.  Swing one leg side to side 20 times, then back and forth 20 times. Repeat on the other leg.

High knees...Stand with both feet on the floor.  Pick up each knee as high as you can as quickly as you can...think running in place.

Butt kicks...basically jog in place making sure to tap your butt with the heel of your shoes.  

Have a beautiful sunshiny day y'all, blessings! If your a runner, get outside and enjoy a nice easy or hard run today..taking time to enjoy the experience.
Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.

"Limitations only exist if you let them"

© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

V Is For...Vo2 Max

Vo2 max is also known as maximal oxygen uptake, peak oxygen uptake, or even maximal aerobic capacity. It is the maximum capacity of a human's body to transport and use oxygen during incremental exercise. (Thanks Wikipedia) The name Vo2 is derived from V-meaning volume, O2-meaning oxygen, and max-meaning maximum.

Vo2 Max is expressed as a relative rate in milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute. This expression is often used to compare the performance of endurance sports athletes.

Measuring Vo2 Max is usually done using a treadmill or cycle ergo-meter. Vo2 max is reached when oxygen consumption remains steady despite an increase in workload.


I personally have no idea what my Vo2 max is but I hear the word being thrown around a lot in the fitness world. I don't feel the need to find out since I'm not really an endurance sport athlete, unless you consider running 13.1 enduring.

Here are a few different sites to check out your Vo2 max.

Blessings and have a great day y'all!

Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck. 

"Limitations only exist if you let them" 

© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

U Is For...Undertraining

UNDER-TRAINING...Hmmm, when you don't train sufficiently for your race or event.

PERSONALLY, I have not under-trained for a race. yet! Knock on wood. Right now I'm training for my half in September and I will definitely not be under-trained. 

I suppose you could use under-training in a different sense to As in...right now I am under training to run a half know...when you hear something is under construction only it's under training...No...well I tried!

Apparently there is an under-training syndrome as well as an over-training syndrome...under training  is found when people lack consistency, intensity, frequency and progression. I agree with this assessment, if you are not consistent with your training you might as well go home.  You have to increase your intensity to see progression know the old saying, if you always do what you've always done...Yup 'nuff said. 

So in summary, get out there and be consistent, increase the frequency and intensity of your workouts, and make sure that you are progressing toward your ultimate goal or time. Blessings to you all, may sun shine on your faces and joy be in your hearts. 

Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck. 

 "Limitations only exist if you let them" 

© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

T Is For...Training Schedule

TRAINING schedule...This is a plan of scheduled days you specifically use to train for a run/bike/swim race/event.

FOR example, I have a half-marathon coming up in September so I have devised a plan with the help of my Virtual Race Coach app that will help me get from running 4-5 miles to 13.1 in a set amount of time, 24 weeks to be exact.

THE virtual race coach app has me on a 24 week plan since I'm starting now.  My run for today (April 20 when I wrote this post) is a 3 mile long slow run, and my app tells me that all miles should be at 70% effort.  The run should be conversational in nature and approx. 60 seconds slower than marathon pace. I can do that.

THERE are many training schedules or plans, if you will, out there and they range from beginner to advanced.  All you have to do is Google training plans or schedules and you will find plenty to work with. Here are a couple to look at...

COOL RUNNING has training schedules for everything from a couch to 5k to a full marathon.

HAL HIGDON dot com has everything you can think of an more when it comes to training for a race or event.  Think 5k to triathlon etc.

WHATEVER you are training for...there is a website to help you get from where you are right now to where you want to be in a specific amount of time.  Good luck and Godspeed!

  • Are you training for a specific race or event?
  • If so, tell me about it!  
  • Are you enjoying some sunshine today?
  • Have you smiled today? 
Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck. 

"Limitations only exist if you let them" 

© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.

Monday, April 22, 2013

S Is For...Stretching

FOR the love of Pete, do not forget to stretch at least once a day (or more if you prefer).  

Dynamic and static stretches are essential to do before and after a run.  Dynamic stretches will activate and loosen up your leg muscles, getting you ready to run. Static stretches can help lower your heart rate after a run, they will also lessen your risk of injury and muscle soreness.

Here are 2 dynamic stretches to do to get ready for a run...


LEG-SWINGS...First thing you want to do is hold on to something, then stand on one leg and swing the other leg forward and back around 20 times, then swing that same leg side to side 20 times.  Repeat on the other leg. Make sure you get the full range of motion.

WALKING-LUNGES...Take a large step forward with your right leg, and bend the knee until your thigh is parallel to the floor and knee is aligned with your ankle. Push back upward, draw your left foot even with your right and step forward with the left. Try to keep your walking lunges fluid, and focus on proper form. Do as many as you are comfortable doing...approx 10 per leg.

Here are 3 static stretches for after you run...





I've heard that yoga is also a great way to get in some stretching or Pilates even.  Enjoy the rest of your day sweet blogging friends of mine, blessings.

  • Do you stretch daily, weekly, monthly or not at all?
  • Does the term stretching mean that you reach across the dog/cat for the remote control, or ice cream way in the back of the freezer? 

Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck. "Limitations only exist if you let them" © 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

R Is For...Rest & Recovery Days

REST or recovery days are very important to work in to your training schedule.  You may love to run or bike or swim, but your body really does need a break every once in awhile to ensure that you stay injury free. Just ask me, boy did I learn the hard way!

I am guilty of trying to push through my training to the point of exhaustion and there is that one time I fractured my pelvis but let's not rehash that whole saga, where I am forced to take time off just to be able to function in the other areas of my busy life.  My life cannot always be about running.  I am a and life is too short to focus only on my running.  

REST days, for me, are either a light workout at the gym, (think easy biking) taking a short easy walk or hanging out at the Casa with the family.  We enjoy working out in the yard together, going to the movies, and watching Mad Men or some other series on Netflix. We do other things together as well but those are some of the things we are doing now. My friends and I try to get together once a week for an early lunch where we can catch up on each others lives and visit. 

WHATEVER you do on your rest days, just make sure you take time off from training every once in awhile.  I'm sure your family and loved ones will appreciate you more for it. Don't let life pass you by, remember to hug the ones you love, kiss your honey more often than not, do a kind deed and say I love you...just because.

  1. WHAT are some of the things you do on your rest days? 
  2. DO you work out on your rest days?
  3. DOES a rest day mean your family will find you sleeping on the couch all day or watching TV in your jammies eating bon-bons?
Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck. "Limitations only exist if you let them" © 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.

Friday, April 19, 2013

F F Linkup

Hey all you runners and or fitness's Fitness Friday Linkup...Go on over to Running Bloggers and add in your link to participate! 

I'm continuing to work out at the gym with my hubby and kids and have seen definite improvement in my hubby's shape and cardio health.  I am so proud of him for going to work out every day even when he is tired...he is so motivated to get the weight off and get healthier.  We are closer as a family as a result of our YMCA escapades. That being said I just want to say something about the events that happened earlier this week in Boston.

The bombing at the Boston Marathon has brought a heaviness to my runner's heart. Yet, I have seen such an outpouring of love and hope from the community of runners and non-runners, it is AMAZING. All over the blogosphere I have witnessed courage, strength, prayers and hope going out to all of Boston and it warms my heart.  

We will forever remember the events of April 15, 2013 as a terrible and senseless tragedy..but we will also remember the extravagant outpouring of support, love, hope and unity of the nation.

We will not go quietly into the night, we will rise up as one in Unity and say to those responsible...Whatever you had hoped to accomplish was overshadowed by how everyone...the hero's, supporters, and the entire nation responded to this tragedy.

Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.

"Limitations only exist if you let them"

© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.

Q Is For...Quads

QUADS or quadriceps femoris (latin for four headed muscle of the femur) are a large muscle group that includes the four prevailing muscles on the front of the thigh. (thanks Wikipedia)

THE four heads of the muscle are the  Rectus femoris, Vastus lateralis, Vastus medialis, and the Vastus intermedius.

ALL four muscles are crucial for walking, running, jumping and squatting. As you can imagine they are very much needed for those Jump Squats I blogged about earlier in the challenge.

AS a runner my QUADS get sore when I do sprints or run a race, more so than when I just do my normal runs.  This is due to the fact that I am placing more strain on them than a normal easy run requires. As a result of being a runner it is important that I stretch and massage those muscles daily, as they are crucial if I want to continue to run without pain or injury. 

THANKS so much for stopping by my blog today.  I have enjoyed meeting new people through this A-Z Challenge and seeing the familiar faces of my running blogger friends. May the sun shine on your faces and joy be in your hearts. 

Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck. 

 "Limitations only exist if you let them" 

© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

P Is For...Plateau Effect

PLATEAU EFFECT occurs when a formerly effective measure ceases to cause further change, or in layman's terms when what you have been doing no longer works. This effect can occur in weight loss, running and even body building.  

MOSTLY we hear about the plateau effect happening to people trying to lose weight.  It has happened to me several times in my life.  A person can be going along losing weight steadily week after week, and then Wham o nothing...week after week.  Our bodies will become accustomed to what we do and demand more to ensure continued success. 

WEIGHT loss demands so much from our minds and bodies.  We have to stay focused but not obsessed on the number of calories we put in our bodies, and the types of foods we eat.  I try to eat clean (vegan) most of the time but I also make sure to eat sinful foods once in awhile so I don't fall off the wagon completely.  For example, I eat a dark chocolate square (a few times a week) when I need something sweet, or I will have a decaf coffee with sugar free french vanilla creamer, it satisfies my sweet tooth and I feel like I've been just a little bit bad.

UNFORTUNATELY a lot of people fall off the food wagon when they hit a plateau and end up gaining all their weight back plus some. I speak from experience. The trick is to not let it get you down, let it go and move forward.  Change up what you are doing, and that could mean upping your calories by 200 for 4-7 days (I know, it sounds horrible) then lower them back down to what they were for 4-7 days until you start to lose again (this is called cycling). Our bodies are amazing machines, and can adapt and overcome a lot.  

IT could also mean changing up your exercise regime'.  Like I said before, our bodies can become accustomed to the exercise or amount of exertion we are putting in, often times all it takes is adding in high intensity bursts here and there to make a difference.  Try it, and see where it gets you.

  1. Have you ever hit a plateau?
  2. If so, what kind was it, running, weight loss, body building?
  3. Do you just like how the word plateau rolls off the tongue?
  4. Have you seen the sunshine today?   

Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck. 

 "Limitations only exist if you let them" 

© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.


000 steps (1) 10 (1) 5k (19) A-Z Challenge (25) Acupuncture (1) AMT (1) B is for (17) Biceps Femoris injury (3) bike (1) biking (7) bloghopping (1) BMR (1) books (1) C is for (16) cancer (13) celebration (7) celebrity runners (1) checking in (23) chia (1) Christmas season (3) coastal getaway (2) cooking (1) cross train (28) current obsessions (1) D is for (15) dancing (2) days of giving thanks (10) death (1) drink (1) E is for (14) exercise (45) expresso bikes (7) F is for (13) facebook (1) family (34) fasting (1) FF linkup (3) fires (1) fitness (26) flower (1) food (13) friday blog hop (2) friends (29) G is for (13) gardening (4) goals (3) God (13) goodbyes (2) grief (1) gym time (5) H is for (11) healthy living (21) hot weather running (13) hump day inspiration (3) I is for (9) injury (28) inspiration (4) instagram (3) J is for (10) K is for (9) kindness (3) l is for (8) letters to myself (1) link-up (1) local sugar (1) loss (1) low iodine diet (1) M is for (7) mapmyfun (1) marathon (10) marathon training (30) May Challenge (1) mothers day (5) N is for (6) negative splits (2) new year (2) numbers (1) O is for (5) overnight oats (1) overpronation (2) P is for (4) patience (1) Pear Blossom Run (8) pelvic stress fracture (28) Picture Perfect Friday (1) Pinterest (1) prayers needed (3) Q is for (3) R is for (2) race (13) racing (3) Random facts (1) recipes (2) rest (1) rest day (17) retirement (1) rowing (2) running (57) running club (2) runtastic (1) S is for (1) sciatica (3) spin class (4) sprint (4) strength train (6) Sunshine Award (1) surgery (2) swimming (1) T is for (1) thanksgiving (2) The China Study (1) time (1) tiny dictator (1) tragedy in CT (1) training (22) twitter (1) U is for (1) ultra-running (1) V is for (1) vegan (6) vlog (4) W is for (1) walk/run intervals (24) weddings (1) weight loss (5) working out (10) x y and z (1) YMCA (3)