Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Running Again...Woohoo!

Well my friends I have started to get back into running/jogging and my heart is happy! Today I went on an hour long walk/run and on it I was fabulously blessed with beautiful Autumn colors everywhere I looked.

(Multi-color foliage)

(Orange foliage)

(Red foliage)

(Yellow foliage)

(Tri-color trees)
(Anyone know what these are?)
This is what I saw while out on my walk/run this morning...I am surrounded by beauty! 

I have been having some trouble with my heart again...palpitations and pressure from chest to head at the same time...I am used to having palpitations but usually they are few and far between.  Lately they are constant companions and I feel miserable as well as fatigued more than normal.  I have had my heart checked out before and the doc's cannot tell me what is causing the palpitations nor do they seem to want to do the work to find out.  There was talk of mitral valve prolapse, and tachycardia...also could be atrial fibrillation...none of which will kill me but they can cause serious problems if they are severe.  I may have to have more tests if the palpitations don't stop or at least become less severe.

My Thyroid specialist called me to tell me she wants to see me since I have thyroid cancer and am a high risk patient! Apparently I am never going to be rid of this cancer completely since it has a high rate of reoccurence and I am a high risk patient! This makes me furious but I know I can deal with whatever cancer throws my way.  God has brought me this far and I am confident He will continue to be with me!  I guess I was just hoping to be done with cancer for good, but I am sure it could always be worse...right! What doesn't kill us makes us stronger and all that jazz! 

This weekend I went to my mama's for one of our famous girl's weekends...we have a sweet time! I woke up Saturday and went for a 40 minute walk/jog, it felt so great to move my legs that way again.  I woke up Sunday with sore inner thighs...I forgot that you work those muscles when you run.  Here are a couple of pictures I took along the way.

(green, yellow and red foliage)

(House I spent several teen years in)

(Trailer court I spent said years in, the white house is to the left, out of picture)
Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck. 

 "Limitations only exist if you let them" 

© 2012 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.

Monday, October 22, 2012

A Sunshine Award!

Emily from Out and About  nominated (basically means awarded in this situation) me for the Sunshine Award. I have the best bloggy friends. Thank you Em!

  • If you are nominated you must include the link in a blog, linking to the person/blog that nominated you
  • You must answer some questions and nominate 7 fellow bloggers and link their blogs in your post
  • Let the people you have nominated know that you have nominated them!

1.  Who is your favorite philosopher? Well I would have to say the writer of the Psalms or at least 73 or so of them...David.  There is so much to learn from them. I use some of them to pray often, especially when I am at a loss for words.

2.  What is your favorite number? Seven, it is the perfect number.  I also like 6 because that is how many people are in my little family.

3.  What is your favorite animal? I love puppies.  I especially love the way the wriggle when you hold them and the sweet kisses they give...but oddly enough I love their puppy breath...lol!

4.  What are your Facebook and Twitter? Here is my Facebook page and my twitter handle is Shananagins2468.

5.  What is your favorite time of day? The time I am able to have all to myself. That time is when the kids leave for school and when I get home from volunteering at our store for lunch, also the time I am able to climb into my bed to read on my Kindle Fire.

6.  What was your favorite vacation? My family doesn't really go on vacation..we go camping every year to Family camp.  It is a time when our immediate family can see and catch up with more distant family members.  There is a lot of sitting around the campfire...fishing...kids playing walkie-talkie tag...and at the end of the 2nd night...there is the white elephant gift exchange, which is always funny!

7.  What is your favorite physical activity? Well obviously running, but I also enjoy walking outdoors immensely. I love being outside where I am able to watch and hear the wildlife all around me.  We live in a beautiful area where I see deer often, as well as grey squirrels and loads of geese wandering around.  In fact yesterday a female pheasant visited us for the entire day, she would walk right up to you but not fly away.

8.  What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Well to be honest I love diet Pepsi or diet Coke...but I rarely drink it.  My absolute FAVORITE drink is coffee, of course.  I get excited to go to bed at night because I know that when I wake up, I get to have some delicious coffee. I even dream about it!

9.  What is your favorite flower? The stargazer lily.  Such a beautiful flower. My husband has sent me a bouquet once or twice in the almost 20 years we have been married.


10.  What is your passion? I would have to say my passion is my family.  Although I love to write and craft my passion really lies with the people I call family.  I love being with them, seeing them learn and grow up into beautiful people and sharing in this life we have been blessed with.

Alright...now it's your turn.  In no particular order I award or nominate these seven bloggers.

Casey  at cswFitYoga
(Just) Trying is for Little Girls 
Katherine at Neon Blonde Runner
Julia at Pain, Pride and Perseverance
Shelley at My Journey to Fit
Amy  at Pumpkin to Princess
Jessica at Pace of Me

Blessings and hugs...when you come by to collect this award just right click the award picture and save to your computer...then be sure to follow the rules under the picture...have a great week.

Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck. 

"Limitations only exist if you let them" 

© 2012 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I'm A Liebster Award Nominee!

Darlene from My First 5K and More  has nominated little ole' me for a blog award! Thank you, what an honor! If you haven't read her blog go on over there now, she's an angel. Okay this award is a way for bloggers with less than 200 followers, who deserve some recognition and support, to keep on blogging.

Here are the rules...

11 Facts about me...

  1. I have never been on an airplane in my life.  Seriously!
  2. I have only lived in Oregon, California and briefly in Washington when I was in Job Corp.
  3. I was in the Job Corp. for about 2-3 months...horrible experience, which was probably my fault...I was kind of a mess as a teen.
  4. As a youngster I was in quite a few private Christian schools and wore uniforms for most of my education.
  5. I have always been a book worm...I love to read just about anything but especially true life stories.
  6. I ran away from home when I was sixteen and lived with friends until my favorite Aunt and Uncle came and got me and took me to live with them.
  7. I am a Christian and the daughter of a former Preacher who has also a been a truck driver for as long as I can remember.
  8. I once worked as a dishwasher at a truck stop when I was 16.
  9. I love to watch reality shows like Keeping up With The Kardashians and Real Housewives...ugh, I know it is horrible but I can't help myself.  I like to see how ridiculous celebrities and rich people live.
  10. I am always misplacing my iPod, it is with me all the time and without it I feel lost.
  11. I love, love, love to RUN and WORKOUT at the gym or at home, jogging on my mini-trampoline and using resistance bands to build muscle.

My 11 questions from Darlene...

  1. Running, Biking, Swimming or Other? Definitely running and then working out on the Elliptical, ARC trainer, or spin bikes.
  2. Dog or Cats? Doggies for sure, I have two mini-wiener dogs who are sisters from same litter and one of them is the runt...Annie (runt) and Weenie.
  3. Favorite Racing Distance? 5k so far, but that could all change next year when I run the half I missed this year due to my injury.
  4. One Goal for 2012 that you have accomplished? Ran two races with two of my sons.
  5. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor? Chocolate Chip Mint...the best ever.
  6. Favorite Race? My first 5k, Oct 8th 2011
  7. Marathon: Done It, Someday or Never? Will do it someday.
  8. Favorite Book? The Bible.
  9. Favorite Movie? Definitely The Wizard of Oz, first movie I remember seeing...saw it in the hospital the night I had my tonsils out at age 5!
  10. If you won the lottery, what would you buy first? Probably new shoes...ha ha ha!
  11. Worst Fear? Dying...if it involves pain! I'm not really afraid to die, it's just the pain that may be involved, lol, oh and the dentist and confined spaces....truly though my worst fear is one of my loved ones dying or getting a terminal illness.

    11 blogs I am nominating for the Liebster Award...

    1. High On Bike
    2. RunFatbrentRun
    3. Runner...maybe
    4. The Journey Is The Reward
    6. Hit The Ground Running
    7. First In Philly
    8. Half Done Run
    9. Out and About
    10. Run With The Black Knight
    11. Fit Gurl Go Fitness

     Questions my nominees need to answer:

    1. Best thing about your life?
    2. Scale, yes or no?
    3. Worst running injury?
    4. Favorite place to visit on Vacation?
    5. Favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
    6. Favorite piece of exercise equipment?
    7. Favorite Season?
    8. One thing from your bucket list you have done?
    9. Favorite Celebrity?
    10. Favorite holiday and why?
    11. Favorite food and drink?

    Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck. 

     "Limitations only exist if you let them" 

    © 2012 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.

    Saturday, October 13, 2012

    ARC Trainer From Hell...giggle, giggle, giggle

    Wow, this week has been brutal...now let me tell you why!

    Firstly, Monday came calling, or should I say screaming into view and I was not ready for it at all.  I had not been feeling very well since the previous Friday...so let's just say...I didn't work out for 4 days....oh my goodness.

    Next came Tuesday and I was feeling well enough to take a brisk 90 minute walk for a total of 430 calories...woohoo! I was finally feeling better.

    Here comes Wednesday...Happy Hump Day and all that jazz.  I hopped on the ole' ARC trainer for 15 minutes for a whooping 150 calories and then the dreaded but loved spin bike for 60 minutes for 754 calories and my total burned for this day was...drum roll please......904 calories total. Thank you very much. I need a snow-cone now!

    (Taste the rainbow)
    Oh Thursday, how I love thee...let me count the calories..or um, something like that! Another very brisk walk for 114 minutes for a total of 717 calories burned.  Whew!

    Yes, yes, yes It's Friday...TGIF, am I right? I thought so.  Well I took it off due to me not feeling the best, again...bummer.  It was still a nice day.  Spent some time outside enjoying the breeze and the smell of Fall...love my life.  Ran my son out to school so he could help set up for the Home coming dance...he is in the F.B.L.A. and was earning money to go on a 3 day 2 night business trip.  (Future Business Leaders of America--FBLA)...he is looking to get scholarships from this class, and his school has won State for 11yrs consecutively...he is very excited to be in this class.

    My son Jesse FBLA
    Saturday is here...love the weekend! I woke up and ran my son back to the high school so he could finish up home coming stuff, then I went to the YMCA and got my workout on...ARC trainer for 1 hour, devoted to hills only for a total of 742 calories...wow, that was one beast of a workout...wore my Survivor shirt...made me feel like a bad ass...lol, even though I'm not really, (my kids think I am)...but I am a Survivor and it makes me feel strong when I wear it, after all I did earn it!

    Enjoy the rest of this beautiful weekend my friends. Oh and it did rain last night, finally...we got some much needed precipitation in, I don't know how long!

    Blessings and hugs from this ♥warrior princess♥ to all of you!

    Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.

     "Limitations only exist if you let them" 

    © 2012 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.

    Sunday, October 7, 2012

    A Country Wedding

     My brother got married yesterday in a little town called Fort Klamath. We spent the day traveling about 2 hours to get to this small quaint town (my daughters word) and about an hour greeting everyone and catching up with family members we don't see very often.  

    My son Jesse and my brother John

    The picture above is not a great one but the people in it are really all that matters.  In it are my youngest son Jesse and my brother posing for me. Unfortunately my brother is not smiling but he was a happy guy, believe me.  

    I am not sure why I didn't get a picture of the bride and groom together, but I wasn't feeling the best and the sun seemed like it was thwarting my picture taking at every turn.

    Here is one of my hubby and daughter clowning around, well my hubby is and my daughter is trying to behave for the picture.

    Molly and Daddy

    After arriving at the motel we caught up with my dad and his wife, saw my mama, and my Aunt and Uncle and we all stood around and visited.  Here is one of my 3 sons with my Uncle Fine (in the cowboy hat).

    Jacob, Uncle Fine, George and Jesse
    My three boys are growing up and impressing me more every day.  They are so much fun to be around and seem to have pretty good heads on those big shoulders. 

    This next picture is one of my hubby, my dad, and my son Jesse.  

    George (my hubby),  my Dad and Jesse
    The wedding was held in a little country church that probably could only hold about 50 people.  The minister was an old-timer (think shepherd) with an old walking stick and bright eyes.  He wouldn't allow any pictures inside the church but I could have gotten some of the outside, darn it, I forgot.  After the short ceremony as we were leaving the church we all had to take our turns ringing the church bell with an old rope...wow, the whole thing was a very awesome experience.  

    After this wonderful experience we all moved on to a wonderful outdoor boxed picnic.  Each guest was gifted a beautiful old file box all decorated up, and inside was a picnic lunch.  We enjoyed a chicken tortellini salad, a purple potato soup (my brother and his bride grew these in their garden), and humus with carrots, a dinner roll with honey and butter and some delicious chocolate cookies.  They also made every guest a home-made peach cobbler to die for.  

    (Picnic in a box)
    (wedding guests)

    (outdoor wedding picnic)

    (table decor)

    (Molly with Daddy)
    (honey from wedding)
    Needless to say we all had a great time celebrating my brothers wedding day.  Unfortunately we had to miss out on the bigger celebration last night, so we could get home to our puppies, and I wasn't feeling all that hot...not to mention my kids are still battling their colds and we didn't have a reservation at the little old motel etc, etc...It was one of the best weddings I've attended, a very down to earth, country, simply beautiful wedding...

    Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck. "Limitations only exist if you let them" © 2012 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.

    Friday, October 5, 2012

    Cycle Class...OMG My Legs Hurt

    Okay so like I said yesterday I was going to go to yet another cycle class...Well, I did. 

    (Me before the class started)
    ...OMG, I really thought my legs were gonna fall off right there in the middle of class.  Before class started I did a little warm up on the ARC trainer and I felt pretty good, so I went and got my bike all set up and started to spin, again that went pretty good.  Then the instructor showed up all perky and bouncy...I love that woman. I should have known then that I was in for a huge and painful workout.

    Things were starting off relatively okay, until about 15-20 minutes into the class...my friend who usually goes with me quit and moved on to the stair-stepper...and about 30 minutes in another regular quit to go to his yoga class...that left just little ole me and the instructor to finish out the class. 

    By then my legs were tired and achy and I was ready to quit myself but there was another 30 minutes left and I just hate quitting. So, of course, I stayed and powered through, and when the instructor asked me what I wanted to do next what did I say, "Sprints" of course...lol. (I could have slapped myself at that point) To sprint means to pedal as fast as you can for x amount of seconds...she had us go for a whole 60 seconds...OMG by the time we stopped that sprint I wanted to (slap her) die. 

    (How I felt after sprint)
    I made it through to the end and as you can see I didn't die but I wanted to. By the end of the night I had burned over 800 calories and even though I was exhausted, I felt accomplished.

    (How I felt when I got home)
    ...And that my friends is all she wrote.  Blessings and hugs to everyone.

    Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck. 

    "Limitations only exist if you let them" 

    © 2012 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.

    Thursday, October 4, 2012

    My Week In Review...So Far

     Good morning y'all.  This week has been a great one...so far.  I have been working out most every day doing cycle/spin class with my workout buddy, ARC training, jogging on my mini-trampoline and resistance bands.  

    *Jogging in place-31 minutes for 311 calories

    *ARC Trainer-28 minutes Cycle 35 minutes=total 760 calories

    *Cycle/Spin Class 75 minutes for 943 calories

    *Resistance bands 20 minutes for 112 calories

    I will be doing yet another spin class tonight with my friend.  Does anyone else love cycle/spin class, or is it just me? It's a great workout.  

    Anyhoo, lately I have been having issues with body image distortion...anyone, anyone?  Ha, ha it's okay to laugh but seriously...I work out most days of the week, hard..yet I, personally, can't really see what it is doing.  I feel great, people say I look great, but I cannot for the life of me see it.   I think it has to do with my age (I will be 42 in a few short months) and the fact that I am still not running...it seems like since the injury in May any little weight (water prob) ends up in my midsection...ugh! 

    I am going to assume that this is age related...ha ha ha, and also due to a couple other facts.

    Fact 1- I don't drink enough water. (I'm changing that)
    Fact 2- I love food, and not necessarily the good stuff.
    *End of Rant*

    Alrighty then, these adorable little pots are lip gloss that my daughter and I made this past weekend.  What a fun project...now if I could sell them I'd be a happy girl. I have been thinking of making some home made beauty projects but can't seem to get really motivated.  Any suggestions? I think part of my hesitation is fear based.  Fear that no one will want to buy my products.  I am also going to make some cracked marble necklaces that I will be trying to sell, and I think I will probably have more luck with that endeavor. Here is a picture of what they look like.

    (Not my website, just an image off Google)

    I am a pretty crafty person, and I have made a lot of awesome items, I just really haven't been motivated to try to sell any.  I am going to do my best to get out there and put my items on display...maybe I'll try Ebay or Craigslist. If any of y'all are interested just let me know, I'll take custom orders...but please don't feel obligated, I'll love ya no matter what.

    Please have a safe and fun weekend.  Let me know how your doing and what you've been up to. Blessings and hugs!

    Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck. 

    "Limitations only exist if you let them" 

    © 2012 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.


    000 steps (1) 10 (1) 5k (19) A-Z Challenge (25) Acupuncture (1) AMT (1) B is for (17) Biceps Femoris injury (3) bike (1) biking (7) bloghopping (1) BMR (1) books (1) C is for (16) cancer (13) celebration (7) celebrity runners (1) checking in (23) chia (1) Christmas season (3) coastal getaway (2) cooking (1) cross train (28) current obsessions (1) D is for (15) dancing (2) days of giving thanks (10) death (1) drink (1) E is for (14) exercise (45) expresso bikes (7) F is for (13) facebook (1) family (34) fasting (1) FF linkup (3) fires (1) fitness (26) flower (1) food (13) friday blog hop (2) friends (29) G is for (13) gardening (4) goals (3) God (13) goodbyes (2) grief (1) gym time (5) H is for (11) healthy living (21) hot weather running (13) hump day inspiration (3) I is for (9) injury (28) inspiration (4) instagram (3) J is for (10) K is for (9) kindness (3) l is for (8) letters to myself (1) link-up (1) local sugar (1) loss (1) low iodine diet (1) M is for (7) mapmyfun (1) marathon (10) marathon training (30) May Challenge (1) mothers day (5) N is for (6) negative splits (2) new year (2) numbers (1) O is for (5) overnight oats (1) overpronation (2) P is for (4) patience (1) Pear Blossom Run (8) pelvic stress fracture (28) Picture Perfect Friday (1) Pinterest (1) prayers needed (3) Q is for (3) R is for (2) race (13) racing (3) Random facts (1) recipes (2) rest (1) rest day (17) retirement (1) rowing (2) running (57) running club (2) runtastic (1) S is for (1) sciatica (3) spin class (4) sprint (4) strength train (6) Sunshine Award (1) surgery (2) swimming (1) T is for (1) thanksgiving (2) The China Study (1) time (1) tiny dictator (1) tragedy in CT (1) training (22) twitter (1) U is for (1) ultra-running (1) V is for (1) vegan (6) vlog (4) W is for (1) walk/run intervals (24) weddings (1) weight loss (5) working out (10) x y and z (1) YMCA (3)