Day Twenty-One – A Blessing for God’s Love
I pray that today you will realize the gift of God’s love—the
incomparable love of the Father for his child. Such a love! A love that
you sense with the passing of the breeze and coolness of the air. A love
that comes not from one on earth , but the incredible love from One in
heaven. ~Max Lucado
“God is love. ‘Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.
Love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the
day of judgment, because in this world we are like him.” 1 John 4:16,
"Limitations only exist if you let them"
Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.
© 2014 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.
...a blog about SURVIVING cancer, losing mama, eating healthy food, and everything in between...
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Happy Friday Blessings!
This week has been a good one with warm temps, not fall-like at all. Our granddaughter was has been here the last few days so that always makes our week that much more full of joy and laughter. She is sick from a flu shot but I think she is beginning to turn the corner to wellness.
My husband and Navy son have been working hard at our new station and are exhausted from a long day but always bring a smile home to share with the rest of the family. I have been able to get a few hikes in (before baby came over) and as usual been rewarded with the most beautiful skies and landscapes. The last hike I took I saw 2-3 deer by a stream eating, up on the bank. I was across the roadway and did not have my camera so no picture to share but take my word for it, they were beautiful.
I have been getting into hiking more and road running less, I really like the way it makes me feel so strong. We have a place here called Cathedral Hills, it's a trail system, and it is just beautiful to hike and is only about 10 minutes or less from where I live. It has about 10 miles of trails, anything from easy to hard and so there is something for everyone. Next time I go I will take my camera along and get some shots to share with you.
Living in Southern Oregon is such a blessing, we have so much beauty to revel in, it amazes me. The best part is, it's right outside my front door. Well that is about it for this week, enjoy your weekend and be blessed.
*Obviously, I'm a day behind..oops*
"Limitations only exist if you let them"
Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.
© 2015 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.
Monday, October 5, 2015
Happy Monday Morning
Good morning! Oh how I have missed writing on my blog. Life has been obscenely a bit busy and if I am honest a lot little crazy. Today I want to share a prayer of peace with you to start your Monday off right. I realize this is a personal blog about my becoming a runner at 40 but it is also something I would like to become about spreading peace and light to all who pass by. *I know I have not been consistent with my writing, and I humbly ask for your forgiveness, but I am making it a priority to write at least 2x a week..if only to spread some love and light*
These last couple of years have taught me that it is far more fulfilling to give than to receive. Our family has been in what I considered a struggle; my husband has been out of work for more than a year and I do not work outside the home due to health issues. What I have come to realize is God is far better to us than we could ever hope to begin to deserve. He has sustained us this entire year and we have been more than able to stay in our home and provide food for our family. I am so grateful for God's grace and mercy and the many blessings He gives us. We are now employed and making a living once more..God is so good ALL the time!
As you go about your day please remember, you are alive and loved and blessed! Those little things that we complain about or get irritated over really don't matter when we put them up against the grand purpose of life. We live in a scary world that is very contrary to how it should be, we need more people to spread light and love to others in order to dash the darkness that we often find ourselves surrounded in. I wish to be one of "those" people. I am on a mission to spread encouragement, love and light to all I come across, in one form or another. How about you?
A prayer for peace..
Lord, God of peace, who has created man, the object of your kindness, to be close to you in glory, we bless you and we thank you because you have sent us your beloved son, Jesus, making him the mystery of the pasch, the architect of all salvation, the source of all peace, the bond of true brotherhood. We thank you for the desire, the efforts, the realizations which your spirit of peace has roused in our day: to replace hatred with love, diffidence with understanding, unconcern with care. Open yet more our hearts to the needs of all our brothers and sisters, so that we may be better able to build a true peace. Remember, Father of mercy, all who are in pain, who suffer and die in the cause of a more brotherly world. For the men of every race, of every tongue - may your kingdom come: your kingdom of justice, of peace, of love; and may the earth be filled with your glory.
Two more things before I end this blog post, let's remember and pray for those who lost their lives in Roseburg Oregon this last week in the UCC school shooting and those who are grieving over their lost loved ones.
And pray for our soldiers still fighting a war.
*Another day has passed and SADLY Central Command has CONFIRMED 6 new casualties. Please pray for those in harm’s way. #HonorThem
Department of Defense confirmed the deaths of:
Capt. Jonathan J. Golden, 33, of Camarillo, CA.
Capt. Jordan B. Pierson, 28, of Abilene, TX.
Staff Sgt. Ryan D. Hammond, 26, of Moundsville, WV.
Senior Airman Quinn L. Johnson-Harris, 21, of Milwaukee, WI
Senior Airman Nathan C. Sartain, 29, of Pensacola, FL.
Airman 1st Class Kcey E. Ruiz, 21, of McDonough, GA.
"Limitations only exist if you let them"
Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.
© 2015 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.
These last couple of years have taught me that it is far more fulfilling to give than to receive. Our family has been in what I considered a struggle; my husband has been out of work for more than a year and I do not work outside the home due to health issues. What I have come to realize is God is far better to us than we could ever hope to begin to deserve. He has sustained us this entire year and we have been more than able to stay in our home and provide food for our family. I am so grateful for God's grace and mercy and the many blessings He gives us. We are now employed and making a living once more..God is so good ALL the time!
As you go about your day please remember, you are alive and loved and blessed! Those little things that we complain about or get irritated over really don't matter when we put them up against the grand purpose of life. We live in a scary world that is very contrary to how it should be, we need more people to spread light and love to others in order to dash the darkness that we often find ourselves surrounded in. I wish to be one of "those" people. I am on a mission to spread encouragement, love and light to all I come across, in one form or another. How about you?
A prayer for peace..
Lord, God of peace, who has created man, the object of your kindness, to be close to you in glory, we bless you and we thank you because you have sent us your beloved son, Jesus, making him the mystery of the pasch, the architect of all salvation, the source of all peace, the bond of true brotherhood. We thank you for the desire, the efforts, the realizations which your spirit of peace has roused in our day: to replace hatred with love, diffidence with understanding, unconcern with care. Open yet more our hearts to the needs of all our brothers and sisters, so that we may be better able to build a true peace. Remember, Father of mercy, all who are in pain, who suffer and die in the cause of a more brotherly world. For the men of every race, of every tongue - may your kingdom come: your kingdom of justice, of peace, of love; and may the earth be filled with your glory.
Two more things before I end this blog post, let's remember and pray for those who lost their lives in Roseburg Oregon this last week in the UCC school shooting and those who are grieving over their lost loved ones.
And pray for our soldiers still fighting a war.
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#HonorThem |
*Another day has passed and SADLY Central Command has CONFIRMED 6 new casualties. Please pray for those in harm’s way. #HonorThem
Department of Defense confirmed the deaths of:
Capt. Jonathan J. Golden, 33, of Camarillo, CA.
Capt. Jordan B. Pierson, 28, of Abilene, TX.
Staff Sgt. Ryan D. Hammond, 26, of Moundsville, WV.
Senior Airman Quinn L. Johnson-Harris, 21, of Milwaukee, WI
Senior Airman Nathan C. Sartain, 29, of Pensacola, FL.
Airman 1st Class Kcey E. Ruiz, 21, of McDonough, GA.
"Limitations only exist if you let them"
Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.
© 2015 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.
Saturday, May 2, 2015
I'm Alive & Well & A Plant Eater
Hello everyone..
As the title says, I'm alive and well and a plant eater. The last time I posted I was going through a really rough time physically, emotionally and relationally. I am happy to say that my marriage is better than it has ever been and I am blessed to be back at home with my family. As far as my physical pain goes, some of it is the same and some of it is improving. Personally, I deal with a lot of inflammatory pain and swelling as well as the chronic pain from my broken pelvis but I am finding that food truly does heal the body.
Research has enlightened me tremendously. Eating a plant based diet like fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes as well as super foods like chia seeds has improved my daily life a great deal so far. I also make my own "milk" using almonds and or unsweetened coconut shreds and that feels amazing.
Family updates..
My oldest son "G" (21) is living on his own with his girlfriend and their fur baby Nyah. He will be staying with us for a bit while he finds a new home for his little family. They are relocating from Klamath Falls to Medford Oregon. My middle son "J" (19) is in the Navy @Cory Station in Florida studying. His daughter just turned one and has been a huge joy to our family. We watch her while her mama and other grandparents work and sometimes when we need a little laughter in the house. He will be back home in August. Our youngest son, another "J" (18) is getting ready to graduate high school in a few weeks. He is working and going to school plus he is getting ready to go to college. Thankfully he will be staying at the house while he works and goes to school, so that will save him money etc. Last but not least our daughter "M" (15) is getting ready to graduate 8th grade and start her high school experience. All of our children are doing exceptionally well considering what our family went through last year. I am so thankful to God for saving our marriage and our family.
What I am doing..
Like I said before I am making a lot of our food at home rather than buy it in the stores. The food we get in the grocery stores is highly processed and not that healthy. For health reasons I have gone vegan-ish once again and I feel so much healthier. My husband and I just bought a juicer and can't wait to try out some new recipes. So far we are making carrot, cucumber, celery apple juice. It really isn't bad at all, in fact it is quite tasty.
Anyhoodles, just wanted to say hello I'm alive and well. Drop me a note and let me know how you all are doing. I miss being on the blog and seeing how and what everyone else is doing. So stop by and drop me a short note y'all.
Recipe Time..
How to make your own coconut milk and almond milk..
Coconut Milk
2 cups unsweetened coconut shreds
4 cups hot water (no need to boil)
Combine ingredients in your blender and let sit 10 minutes then blend for 2 minutes. Pour mixture into a fine wire mesh strainer lined with cheesecloth or cotton towel and squeeze all liquid out into glass jar. Put liquid into refrigerator and chill. Don't worry about the separation of liquid and cream, that is supposed to happen just shake before you drink. You can take the left over coconut pulp and dry it in the oven on the lowest temp, usually 170 degrees, overnight and in the morning you can take that pulp and grind it up in the blender to make coconut flour to be used in other recipes.
Almond milk
1 cup raw almonds that have been soaked overnight in at least 4 cups of water.
Pour off soaking water and add almonds plus 4 cups of fresh water to your blender and blend 2-4 minutes. Pour your fresh almond milk into a fire wire mesh strainer lined with cheesecloth or cotton towel and squeeze all liquid out into a glass jar. Put your fresh almond milk into refrigerator and enjoy after it chills. You can take the almond meal that is left over and toast in it the oven to use in recipes later.
"Limitations only exist if you let them" Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck. © 2014 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.
As the title says, I'm alive and well and a plant eater. The last time I posted I was going through a really rough time physically, emotionally and relationally. I am happy to say that my marriage is better than it has ever been and I am blessed to be back at home with my family. As far as my physical pain goes, some of it is the same and some of it is improving. Personally, I deal with a lot of inflammatory pain and swelling as well as the chronic pain from my broken pelvis but I am finding that food truly does heal the body.
Research has enlightened me tremendously. Eating a plant based diet like fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes as well as super foods like chia seeds has improved my daily life a great deal so far. I also make my own "milk" using almonds and or unsweetened coconut shreds and that feels amazing.
Family updates..
My oldest son "G" (21) is living on his own with his girlfriend and their fur baby Nyah. He will be staying with us for a bit while he finds a new home for his little family. They are relocating from Klamath Falls to Medford Oregon. My middle son "J" (19) is in the Navy @Cory Station in Florida studying. His daughter just turned one and has been a huge joy to our family. We watch her while her mama and other grandparents work and sometimes when we need a little laughter in the house. He will be back home in August. Our youngest son, another "J" (18) is getting ready to graduate high school in a few weeks. He is working and going to school plus he is getting ready to go to college. Thankfully he will be staying at the house while he works and goes to school, so that will save him money etc. Last but not least our daughter "M" (15) is getting ready to graduate 8th grade and start her high school experience. All of our children are doing exceptionally well considering what our family went through last year. I am so thankful to God for saving our marriage and our family.
What I am doing..
Like I said before I am making a lot of our food at home rather than buy it in the stores. The food we get in the grocery stores is highly processed and not that healthy. For health reasons I have gone vegan-ish once again and I feel so much healthier. My husband and I just bought a juicer and can't wait to try out some new recipes. So far we are making carrot, cucumber, celery apple juice. It really isn't bad at all, in fact it is quite tasty.
Anyhoodles, just wanted to say hello I'm alive and well. Drop me a note and let me know how you all are doing. I miss being on the blog and seeing how and what everyone else is doing. So stop by and drop me a short note y'all.
Recipe Time..
How to make your own coconut milk and almond milk..
Coconut Milk
2 cups unsweetened coconut shreds
4 cups hot water (no need to boil)
Combine ingredients in your blender and let sit 10 minutes then blend for 2 minutes. Pour mixture into a fine wire mesh strainer lined with cheesecloth or cotton towel and squeeze all liquid out into glass jar. Put liquid into refrigerator and chill. Don't worry about the separation of liquid and cream, that is supposed to happen just shake before you drink. You can take the left over coconut pulp and dry it in the oven on the lowest temp, usually 170 degrees, overnight and in the morning you can take that pulp and grind it up in the blender to make coconut flour to be used in other recipes.
Almond milk
1 cup raw almonds that have been soaked overnight in at least 4 cups of water.
Pour off soaking water and add almonds plus 4 cups of fresh water to your blender and blend 2-4 minutes. Pour your fresh almond milk into a fire wire mesh strainer lined with cheesecloth or cotton towel and squeeze all liquid out into a glass jar. Put your fresh almond milk into refrigerator and enjoy after it chills. You can take the almond meal that is left over and toast in it the oven to use in recipes later.
"Limitations only exist if you let them" Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck. © 2014 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.
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