Thursday's gym time...
Arc trainer 16 minutes
Bike trainer 10 minutes
Total calories burned...310
My hubby asked to go to the YMCA with me and then told all the kids to get ready to go workout. This is pretty shocking, since my husband does not like to work out, at all, on the machines due to the fact that he is a big guy!
I was pleasantly surprised, to say the least. I have wanted my husband to work out with me for a long time. Last summer when I was recovering from my pelvic stress fracture we spent a lot of time together in the YMCA pool and had a blast as a family. I am hoping that he continues to have this desire to go to the gym with me, lose some weight and get healthier. He stayed on the bike for a whole 20 minutes today. (last night he even asked me to go for a short walk with him)
On another note...Completely off topic
I spent some time at my Oral Surgeons office today talking about my surgery that is coming up next month. I have bad teeth due to genetics and cancer treatment so I am having 4 upper teeth and 1 broken bottom tooth extracted. I will also have an upper cast partial put in place at the same time. I only have about 24 teeth total due to having several teeth extracted about 13 years ago (4 of them were wisdom teeth) which means I will only have 19 of my own teeth after this surgery.
I have been unlucky in the dental department. The upper partial will replace the teeth I've had extracted and am having extracted. I will have chewing teeth again. Please pray that everything goes well and that there are no complications, as two of my teeth have roots very close to my sinus cavity.
Have a great day and weekend everyone, blessings and hugs.
P.S. Yay, my lateral hamstring tendon is feeling much better and I should be able to try running again soon.
Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.
"Limitations only exist if you let them"
© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.
...a blog about SURVIVING cancer, losing mama, eating healthy food, and everything in between...
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Gym Time and Cookies
Tuesdays gym time...
Arc trainer 20 minutes.
Bike trainer 23 minutes.
Total calorie burn...approx. 443 calories
I have started weighing myself every Tuesday now just to see how I'm doing and I've lost 5.2lbs in the last two weeks. Woohoo! I have been using (plus the app) for the last few years, I've lost a total of 56.2 lbs since I started losing weight (after my cancer battle). Last year I was eating at my BMR (basal metabolic rate) plus adding in some exercise calories (according to something I read) but was not losing anymore weight. This year I am trying to eat no more than 1400 calories a day (total) and on the days I exercise I eat only 50-100 (if I'm hungry) of my exercise calories back. Basically I set my daily calorie intake at 1300 and never go above 1400 on my exercise days. It's working for me so I'll keep doing this til I reach my goal weight (another 12 lbs).
Anyhoodles, moving on! My hamstring is feeling better every day, and that is progress that I can live with. The lump has not gone away totally but is not too tender to the touch. I am hoping that what I am doing is helping it to heal (fingers crossed). Thank you so much for all your healing thoughts. Have a great day!
Oh, wait...I found this great recipe on Pinterest and thought I'd share it with y'all! These are yummy!
Healthy Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies from The Skinny Fork.
2 ripe bananas, mashed
1/3 cup reduced fat peanut butter
2/3 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
Dash of ground cloves
Dash of ground nutmeg
1 and 1/2 cup quick oats
1/4 cup nuts
1/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/4 cup unsweetened coconut
Directions...preheat over 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside. Mix together the bananas, peanut butter, applesauce, vanilla, and spices. Add in the oats, nuts, chocolate chips, and coconut; stir until well combined. Spoon about 2 tbsp. of the cookie mixture onto the lined baking sheet, leaving an inch or two between each.
Bake for 20-30 minutes and allow to cool slightly.
Now these are her instructions. I deviated a bit, I only had regular peanut butter and canned apple pie filling (I put in the blender) and I used apple pie spice instead of cinnamon. I also added some butterscotch chips to the mine are more calories for sure.
This is the break down for her recipe...
Servings: 12 • Size: 1 Cookie • Calories: 75.3 • Fat: 5.4 g • Carb: 8.5 g • Fiber: 0.7 g • Protein: 1.9 g • Sugar: 3.6 g • Sodium: 75.7 mg
I'm not even going to try to figure out the break down for mine but it will be higher I am sure. Blessings and hugs!
Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.
"Limitations only exist if you let them"
© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.
Arc trainer 20 minutes.
Bike trainer 23 minutes.
Total calorie burn...approx. 443 calories
I have started weighing myself every Tuesday now just to see how I'm doing and I've lost 5.2lbs in the last two weeks. Woohoo! I have been using (plus the app) for the last few years, I've lost a total of 56.2 lbs since I started losing weight (after my cancer battle). Last year I was eating at my BMR (basal metabolic rate) plus adding in some exercise calories (according to something I read) but was not losing anymore weight. This year I am trying to eat no more than 1400 calories a day (total) and on the days I exercise I eat only 50-100 (if I'm hungry) of my exercise calories back. Basically I set my daily calorie intake at 1300 and never go above 1400 on my exercise days. It's working for me so I'll keep doing this til I reach my goal weight (another 12 lbs).
Anyhoodles, moving on! My hamstring is feeling better every day, and that is progress that I can live with. The lump has not gone away totally but is not too tender to the touch. I am hoping that what I am doing is helping it to heal (fingers crossed). Thank you so much for all your healing thoughts. Have a great day!
Oh, wait...I found this great recipe on Pinterest and thought I'd share it with y'all! These are yummy!
Healthy Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies from The Skinny Fork.
1/3 cup reduced fat peanut butter
2/3 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
Dash of ground cloves
Dash of ground nutmeg
1 and 1/2 cup quick oats
1/4 cup nuts
1/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1/4 cup unsweetened coconut
Directions...preheat over 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside. Mix together the bananas, peanut butter, applesauce, vanilla, and spices. Add in the oats, nuts, chocolate chips, and coconut; stir until well combined. Spoon about 2 tbsp. of the cookie mixture onto the lined baking sheet, leaving an inch or two between each.
Bake for 20-30 minutes and allow to cool slightly.
Now these are her instructions. I deviated a bit, I only had regular peanut butter and canned apple pie filling (I put in the blender) and I used apple pie spice instead of cinnamon. I also added some butterscotch chips to the mine are more calories for sure.
This is the break down for her recipe...
Servings: 12 • Size: 1 Cookie • Calories: 75.3 • Fat: 5.4 g • Carb: 8.5 g • Fiber: 0.7 g • Protein: 1.9 g • Sugar: 3.6 g • Sodium: 75.7 mg
I'm not even going to try to figure out the break down for mine but it will be higher I am sure. Blessings and hugs!
Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.
"Limitations only exist if you let them"
© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Happy Monday!
May your Monday be filled to the brim and overflowing with love.
As I sit here grumbling because I have to stay still and do nothing (compressing, icing and elevating leg), I realize that I am a blessed woman. God has provided me with what I need, some of what I want but most of all with love. I am surrounded by love...
I have been babying my left leg, as much as I can stand to anyway, by icing it, using compression wraps and elevating it. Of course we won't go into how I walked 10 miles yesterday in 1 hour and 50 minutes and 29 seconds...we will just leave that in the past. I was walking, not running so I was behaving-ish! (Yes, I realize that is not a word, I just made it up) I have a knot in my lateral hamstring tendon that is a bit sore but not too bad. All in all I cannot really complain, as I know there are others who are much worse off. I will heal...God is good, All the time and All the time, God is good!
- Saturday-Arc Trainer 20 minutes. Bike trainer 20 minutes for a total calorie burn of approx. 400 calories.
- Sunday-Walked 10 miles for 110.5 minutes for a total calorie burn of 539 calories or so.
- Monday-Rest Day & R.I.C.E.
Have a blessed day!
Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.
"Limitations only exist if you let them"
© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Biceps Femoris Pain/Hamstring Pain
Okay so what I thought was ITBS is really an issue with the hamstrings...the pain is not on the side of my leg/ is to the side and back of knee where the Biceps Femoris muscle tapers down into the lateral hamstring tendon.
A hamstring strain is a stretch, tear or rupture of one of the three muscles on the back of your thigh. The muscles involved are the Biceps femoris, Semittendinosus and Semimembranosus. Together, these muscles are commonly known as the hamstring. These muscles are two joint muscles that extend your leg at the hip and flex your leg at the knee joint. Strains are classified as first, second or third degrees. (Excerpt taken from
The pain and inflammation is where the picture indicates the lateral hamstring tendon is. Anyone ever have this injury? If so what did you do to treat it? There are 3 degrees of injury.
The pain I am feeling indicates a second-degree strain. It is pretty much painful all the time. I will have to keep my exercise to a minimum and no running at all, for now! So I will cross train as much as possible without further irritating the hamstrings. I am hoping that by babying my leg, it will heal quickly and I can get back to training. So that means, R.I.C.E. which we all know stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.
ERMERGERD, it's like my body is conspiring against my love for running! It seems that if it's not one thing it's another, when it comes to my body and running. My sons like to point out it's because I'm old...aren't they sweet. They are always teasing me, saying "Your gonna break your hip", because it happened once upon a time. Oy Vey!
I hope that y'all have a FANTABULOUS weekend planned out! Blessings and hugs!
Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.
"Limitations only exist if you let them"
© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.
A hamstring strain is a stretch, tear or rupture of one of the three muscles on the back of your thigh. The muscles involved are the Biceps femoris, Semittendinosus and Semimembranosus. Together, these muscles are commonly known as the hamstring. These muscles are two joint muscles that extend your leg at the hip and flex your leg at the knee joint. Strains are classified as first, second or third degrees. (Excerpt taken from
The pain and inflammation is where the picture indicates the lateral hamstring tendon is. Anyone ever have this injury? If so what did you do to treat it? There are 3 degrees of injury.
First-degree strain – A tearing of less than 25% of the muscle fibers. This is characterized by mild pain and may not be felt until the day after the injury. A slight pull may be felt at the time of the injury.
Second-degree strain – A tearing of 25% to 75% of the muscle fibers. Pain is more sever and is felt immediately upon suffering the injury. Discoloration may occur. The injury will be felt immediately and continued activity will be difficult. Walking and jogging may be painful.
Third-degree strain – This is a complete rupture of the muscle. This will require immediate medical attention. Walking or running is impossible.
The pain I am feeling indicates a second-degree strain. It is pretty much painful all the time. I will have to keep my exercise to a minimum and no running at all, for now! So I will cross train as much as possible without further irritating the hamstrings. I am hoping that by babying my leg, it will heal quickly and I can get back to training. So that means, R.I.C.E. which we all know stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.
ERMERGERD, it's like my body is conspiring against my love for running! It seems that if it's not one thing it's another, when it comes to my body and running. My sons like to point out it's because I'm old...aren't they sweet. They are always teasing me, saying "Your gonna break your hip", because it happened once upon a time. Oy Vey!
I hope that y'all have a FANTABULOUS weekend planned out! Blessings and hugs!
Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.
"Limitations only exist if you let them"
© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Funny Friday & Iliotibial Band Issues
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A Friday Funny |
The pain is right about where the band meets the side of my knee (where that blue circle is)...ouch! There is a lump right there and it is basically a constant annoyance at this point. I so love running, but I really hate the aches and pains it causes...Lol! I skipped my run today to rest my leg and will try to run tomorrow. I have been doing deep massage on it and that seems to be breaking up the lump, we shall see how it feels tomorrow. Anyone have any other suggestions or tips? On a lighter note my shins are doing well. (Smile)
My youngest (15yo) son went in for his 5 week X-Ray and check up...the doctor says he looks great and that the collar-bone is making new bone quite well. He still cannot do his weight lifting class for another 4 weeks so he is kind of bummed about that, but all in all it was a great checkup. The doctor had to ask me if I was his mother...I told him it wasn't the first time someone asked that question, most people think I am his sister. (Smile)
This week has been pretty good to me, Tuesday I weighed myself and found I'd lost 2.4 lbs. My exercise this week looks like this.
- Monday-Running 25 minutes walking 8 for a total of 33 minutes and 313 calories burned
- Tuesday-Cleaned like a mad-woman possessed for 60 minutes for a total of approx. 200 calories burned
- Wednesday-Running 38 minutes for a total of 392 calories burned
- Thursday-Rest
- Friday-Adaptive Motion Trainer 25 minutes for a total of 305 calories burned
Exercise minutes 156
Calories burned 1210
I still have Saturday to go!
Happy Friday to you all, may your weekends be blessed with sunny skies and warm temps. Blessings and hugs! Thanks so much for stopping by.
Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.
"Limitations only exist if you let them"
© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Prayer, My New Car And C25K Training
First things first, if you could take a moment and pray for a friend who is having a tumor removed from her brain, I would appreciate it very much. She is a wife and mother now but at 18 went through a horrible life changing, memory erasing accident when she was hit by a impaired her memory and motor skills for a long while...she recovered, got some memories back, grew up, got married, and had babies. A month or so ago she was driving and had a seizure and was in a car accident, at the ER they found a large brain tumor. She is in surgery now, it will take most of the day according to the surgeon. I know this is out of the ordinary, but I would just ask, if you pray, please take a moment to do so! God is The Great Physician and He can and does work miracles., but SERIOUSLY down on the scale of importance is...I got my new car yesterday! Here is what she looks like...(Yes I said she) Her name is Poison Ivy!
Moving on...
I have been training for a 5k in first race since the pelvic stress fracture...and we are in week 6 out of 9 and doing well. The running is getting progressively longer and the walking times much shorter, I don't think I will make or beat my PR but I'm going to try with all I have in me. The compression sleeves seem to be doing a great new shoes are awesome and feel as if they are already broke in...I think things are looking up. Although I have been having some nagging IT band issues..nothing big just irritating. I am hoping nothing more comes of it!
Have a great day and thanks in advance for your prayers. Blessings and hugs!
Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.
"Limitations only exist if you let them"
© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved., but SERIOUSLY down on the scale of importance is...I got my new car yesterday! Here is what she looks like...(Yes I said she) Her name is Poison Ivy!
Moving on...
I have been training for a 5k in first race since the pelvic stress fracture...and we are in week 6 out of 9 and doing well. The running is getting progressively longer and the walking times much shorter, I don't think I will make or beat my PR but I'm going to try with all I have in me. The compression sleeves seem to be doing a great new shoes are awesome and feel as if they are already broke in...I think things are looking up. Although I have been having some nagging IT band issues..nothing big just irritating. I am hoping nothing more comes of it!
Have a great day and thanks in advance for your prayers. Blessings and hugs!
Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.
"Limitations only exist if you let them"
© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Calf Compression Sleeves & The A-Z Challenge 2013
First things first, I bought a pair of compression calf sleeves and what a difference they made! I ran without pain the other day for approximately 6.5 miles...woohoo! I am going to be using them on all my longer runs for sure and even the shorter runs until my shins are 100% better. I feel more confident about running The Pear Blossom Run now than I did before I bought the sleeves. I may not run faster but I will run without pain, and to me, that's a good thing. Okay now onto The A-Z Challenge...
For those of you who have never heard of the A-Z challenge, let me tell you all about it. This challenge is put on every year by Arlee Bird over at Tossing It Out (It started in 2010) and the idea is to blog every day (except Sundays) and to do it Thematically/Alphabetically. Every day you blog (starting with the letter A on April 1st) according to what letter of the alphabet you are on. It's a blast! (I will still be posting on my running and life in general)

So for example starting April 1st we will blog starting with the letter A. April 2nd we will blog starting with the letter B, and so on. We will blog every day except Sunday. You can write all the posts and schedule them ahead of time or you can write every day. You can have a theme or just wing it. You can even post a recipe or poem. This year I have my A-Z words picked out already and will pre-schedule some...others I will write the day of. This challenge is a fun and informative way to get to know other bloggers in the blogosphere. Feel free to join us or not...just go over to The A-Z Challenge blog and follow the directions. Hope to see ya there. Please do not feel obligated to join in, but do come and visit as usual. I will miss you if you don't. Blessings and hugs.
Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.
"Limitations only exist if you let them"
© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.
For those of you who have never heard of the A-Z challenge, let me tell you all about it. This challenge is put on every year by Arlee Bird over at Tossing It Out (It started in 2010) and the idea is to blog every day (except Sundays) and to do it Thematically/Alphabetically. Every day you blog (starting with the letter A on April 1st) according to what letter of the alphabet you are on. It's a blast! (I will still be posting on my running and life in general)
So for example starting April 1st we will blog starting with the letter A. April 2nd we will blog starting with the letter B, and so on. We will blog every day except Sunday. You can write all the posts and schedule them ahead of time or you can write every day. You can have a theme or just wing it. You can even post a recipe or poem. This year I have my A-Z words picked out already and will pre-schedule some...others I will write the day of. This challenge is a fun and informative way to get to know other bloggers in the blogosphere. Feel free to join us or not...just go over to The A-Z Challenge blog and follow the directions. Hope to see ya there. Please do not feel obligated to join in, but do come and visit as usual. I will miss you if you don't. Blessings and hugs.
Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.
"Limitations only exist if you let them"
© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Coffee, Shin Splints and Life In General
Coffee √ Shin Splints √ Life In General..In Process!
Life is good as usual. I have much to be thankful for, and little to complain about. Shin splints in the grand scheme of life are really nothing big. I think I have found the problem, the school track I've been running on is very lumpy and uneven so I am going to stop running on that track asap and find another with less lumpiness and more evenness. (Not a very grammatical sentence, I know)
I'm getting more running in (even with sore shins) and working my way back up in mileage. May not be a good thing, I know. I have been wrapping my shins at home with ace bandages, the compression is a miracle worker. I also wear my compression soccer socks and they are helping as well. The shins feel great-ish, not perfect but better by far. The 5k is not until April 13th so I have plenty time if I need to take some training time off. I am running slowly and very carefully but I do stop if it hurts.
In other news, my son's ortho appointment is getting closer and he is restless waiting for it. Not being able to weight lift affected his grade in Weight lifting class (although he can make it up) and he's not happy about that at all. He's 15, he'll get over it.
The 17 year old is doing great, his father is trying to teach him to drive the old truck (1969 Ford) which has a very long and awkward stick shifter that does not shift normal, lucky hubby right!
My 12 year old daughter is...well...a 12 year old, love her hate the age, it is full of hormonal angst and whatnot. She is beautiful, tall, slim...funny as the day is long, creative, and sweet....just sooooo not a morning person. She can make or break my day, anyone out there feel my pain? Ha ha ha!
The other day my hubby and 17 year old son replaced the screen on my screen door for me (I've only been asking for 2 years, lol) and fixed both gate doors outside (they close and latch now) woohoo!
Exercise for me has been a little running, biking (at the gym) and the Arc trainer...I have also been running my two little wiener dogs (mini-wiener dogs mixed with short leg jack-russell terrier) around the yard outside to get them used to being out "there". They have always been inside dogs and the outside is a brand new and exciting endeavor for them both. That's about all I have to say, my life isn't that exciting. Have a great week y'all...blessings and hugs! Anyone racing or traveling? Tell me all about it.
Godspeed...this comes from the Middle English expression "God spede (you)", a wish for success and fortune for one setting out on an enterprise, voyage, adventure, or travels. It may also mean good luck.
"Limitations only exist if you let them"
© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.
Life is good as usual. I have much to be thankful for, and little to complain about. Shin splints in the grand scheme of life are really nothing big. I think I have found the problem, the school track I've been running on is very lumpy and uneven so I am going to stop running on that track asap and find another with less lumpiness and more evenness. (Not a very grammatical sentence, I know)
I'm getting more running in (even with sore shins) and working my way back up in mileage. May not be a good thing, I know. I have been wrapping my shins at home with ace bandages, the compression is a miracle worker. I also wear my compression soccer socks and they are helping as well. The shins feel great-ish, not perfect but better by far. The 5k is not until April 13th so I have plenty time if I need to take some training time off. I am running slowly and very carefully but I do stop if it hurts.
In other news, my son's ortho appointment is getting closer and he is restless waiting for it. Not being able to weight lift affected his grade in Weight lifting class (although he can make it up) and he's not happy about that at all. He's 15, he'll get over it.
The 17 year old is doing great, his father is trying to teach him to drive the old truck (1969 Ford) which has a very long and awkward stick shifter that does not shift normal, lucky hubby right!
My 12 year old daughter is...well...a 12 year old, love her hate the age, it is full of hormonal angst and whatnot. She is beautiful, tall, slim...funny as the day is long, creative, and sweet....just sooooo not a morning person. She can make or break my day, anyone out there feel my pain? Ha ha ha!
The other day my hubby and 17 year old son replaced the screen on my screen door for me (I've only been asking for 2 years, lol) and fixed both gate doors outside (they close and latch now) woohoo!
Exercise for me has been a little running, biking (at the gym) and the Arc trainer...I have also been running my two little wiener dogs (mini-wiener dogs mixed with short leg jack-russell terrier) around the yard outside to get them used to being out "there". They have always been inside dogs and the outside is a brand new and exciting endeavor for them both. That's about all I have to say, my life isn't that exciting. Have a great week y'all...blessings and hugs! Anyone racing or traveling? Tell me all about it.
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"Limitations only exist if you let them"
© 2013 Shannon M. King. This publication is the exclusive property of Shannon M. King and is protected under the US Copyright Act of 1976 and all other applicable international, federal, state and local laws. The contents of this post/story may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without consent of the author, Shannon M. King. All rights reserved.
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R is for
Random facts
rest day
running club
S is for
spin class
strength train
Sunshine Award
T is for
The China Study
tiny dictator
tragedy in CT
U is for
V is for
W is for
walk/run intervals
weight loss
working out
x y and z